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All of Aimi's Commands
Here you can find extended information about all of Aimi's commands!
Prefix: /
Fun Commands
Name Description
8ball Answer your question with one of eight answers
anime-info Show information about an anime
boop Boop someone for fun :3c
cat Show an image of a cat
chat Chat with Aimi, your favorite, all-knowing idol
claim-nitro Claim Your free 1 Month Nitro!
cuddle Cuddle with your loved ones like they are right there <3
compliment Give a compliment to someone
cookie Give someone a cookie! 🍪
cry I want to be sad, so let me /cry it out :'(
dare Aimi will give you a random dare
dog Show an image of a dog
fact Fetch a random useless fact!
flower Give someone a nice flower
highfive Highfive someone
hug Give someone a hug!
imagine Ask Aimi to generate an image
kiss Give someone a kiss!
neko Get a random neko (catgirl) image!
nom Nom someone
pat Give someone a pat
quote Fetch a random cute anime quote
ship Find out how well you match with another user! 💕
slap Someone being a meanine? Smack them like there is no tomorrow.
sleep Tell someone to go to sleep
snipe Snipes and sends the last deleted message in the channel.
suggest-anime Suggest a random anime
tickle Tickle someone
tod Aimi will give you a random question from any category (truth, dare)
truth Aimi will give you a random truth question
waifu Meet your adorable anime waifu!
Economy Commands
Name Description
balance Check your current balance
clear-inventory Clear your inventory
coin-flip Flip a coin and bet coins on heads or tails
daily Claim your daily coins!
give-coins Give coins to a user (Only the bot owner can use this command)
inventory View your purchased pets and items
leaderboard Display the top 10 users with the most coins
rps Plays rock-paper-scissors with the bot and bet coins
shop Wanna see what Aimi has for sale for you? Buy it here.
transfer Transfer money to another user
Moderation Commands
Name Description
ban Make Aimi ban someone from your server (must have Ban Members permission to use this command)
kick Kick baddies from your discord server (must have Kick Members permission to use this command)
list-warn Check how many warnings a user has. (must have Manage Messages permission to use this command)
mute Let Aimi gently hush someone in your server! (must have Timeout Members permission to use this command)
reset-warn Reset the warning count for a user to zero. (must have Manage Messages permission to use this command)
unmute Ask Aimi to kindly unmute a friend! (must have Timeout Members permission to use this command)
warn Let Aimi give a gentle warning with a magical touch! (must have Manage Messages permission to use this command)
Ticket Commands
Name Description
ticket-add-user Add a user to an open ticket.
ticket-category Select the category for ticket channels
ticket-close Close a ticket with a specific reason
ticket-custom-message Enable or disable custom ticket messages, and set title/description if enabled
ticket-logs Set the channel for ticket logs
ticket-remove-user Remove a user from an open ticket
ticket-setup Setup the ticket panel in a specific channel
ticket-staff Assign or remove a role as ticket staff
ticket-staff-list List all roles assigned as ticket staff for this server
Utility Commands
Name Description
about About Me ~
avatar Show someone's profile picture
clear-dm Nyaa~! Let me clean up all my messages in our DM! ☆ (only works in the bot DMs aka only works in Aimi DMs)
customize-profile Customize your profile!
embed-create Create a custom embed (must have Manage Messages permission to use this command)
help My commands and stuff :3
invite Get Aimi's invite link, so you can put her in your server!
ping Check how fast Aimi is at the moment! (Less ms means faster responses)
premium Support Aimi and access premium features!
profile View your adorable profile!
review Review Aimi on
say Make Aimi say a message in a specified channel (must have Manage Messages permission to use this command)
server-info Get information about the server
support Aimi provides the invite link to its support server, where users can seek help or report issues
uptime Check how long Aimi has been online
upvote Upvote for Aimi on DBL
user-info Get information about a member
vote Vote for Aimi on
website Aimi provides a link to its website, where users can potentially find more information or resources related to the bot
welcome Make Aimi greet new members! (must have Manage Server permission to use this command)
welcome-custom-message Enable or disable custom welcome messages. (must have Manage Server permission to use this command)
welcome-off Stop Aimi from welcoming new members (must have Manage Server permission to use this command)