Prefix: / |
Fun Commands |
Name |
Description |
8ball |
Answer your question with one of eight answers |
anime-info |
Show information about an anime |
boop |
Boop someone for fun :3c |
cat |
Show an image of a cat |
chat |
Chat with Aimi, your favorite, all-knowing idol |
claim-nitro |
Claim Your free 1 Month Nitro! |
cuddle |
Cuddle with your loved ones like they are right there <3 |
compliment |
Give a compliment to someone |
cookie |
Give someone a cookie! 🍪 |
cry |
I want to be sad, so let me /cry it out :'( |
dare |
Aimi will give you a random dare |
dog |
Show an image of a dog |
fact |
Fetch a random useless fact! |
flower |
Give someone a nice flower |
highfive |
Highfive someone |
hug |
Give someone a hug! |
imagine |
Ask Aimi to generate an image |
kiss |
Give someone a kiss! |
neko |
Get a random neko (catgirl) image! |
nom |
Nom someone |
pat |
Give someone a pat |
quote |
Fetch a random cute anime quote |
ship |
Find out how well you match with another user! 💕 |
slap |
Someone being a meanine? Smack them like there is no tomorrow. |
sleep |
Tell someone to go to sleep |
snipe |
Snipes and sends the last deleted message in the channel. |
suggest-anime |
Suggest a random anime |
tickle |
Tickle someone |
tod |
Aimi will give you a random question from any category (truth, dare) |
truth |
Aimi will give you a random truth question |
waifu |
Meet your adorable anime waifu! |
Economy Commands |
Name |
Description |
balance |
Check your current balance |
clear-inventory |
Clear your inventory |
coin-flip |
Flip a coin and bet coins on heads or tails |
daily |
Claim your daily coins! |
give-coins |
Give coins to a user (Only the bot owner can use this command) |
inventory |
View your purchased pets and items |
leaderboard |
Display the top 10 users with the most coins |
rps |
Plays rock-paper-scissors with the bot and bet coins |
shop |
Wanna see what Aimi has for sale for you? Buy it here. |
transfer |
Transfer money to another user |
Moderation Commands |
Name |
Description |
ban |
Make Aimi ban someone from your server (must have Ban Members permission to use this command) |
kick |
Kick baddies from your discord server (must have Kick Members permission to use this command) |
list-warn |
Check how many warnings a user has. (must have Manage Messages permission to use this command) |
mute |
Let Aimi gently hush someone in your server! (must have Timeout Members permission to use this command) |
reset-warn |
Reset the warning count for a user to zero. (must have Manage Messages permission to use this command) |
unmute |
Ask Aimi to kindly unmute a friend! (must have Timeout Members permission to use this command) |
warn |
Let Aimi give a gentle warning with a magical touch! (must have Manage Messages permission to use this command) |
Ticket Commands |
Name |
Description |
ticket-add-user |
Add a user to an open ticket. |
ticket-category |
Select the category for ticket channels |
ticket-close |
Close a ticket with a specific reason |
ticket-custom-message |
Enable or disable custom ticket messages, and set title/description if enabled |
ticket-logs |
Set the channel for ticket logs |
ticket-remove-user |
Remove a user from an open ticket |
ticket-setup |
Setup the ticket panel in a specific channel |
ticket-staff |
Assign or remove a role as ticket staff |
ticket-staff-list |
List all roles assigned as ticket staff for this server |
Utility Commands |
Name |
Description |
about |
About Me ~ |
avatar |
Show someone's profile picture |
clear-dm |
Nyaa~! Let me clean up all my messages in our DM! ☆ (only works in the bot DMs aka only works in Aimi DMs) |
customize-profile |
Customize your profile! |
embed-create |
Create a custom embed (must have Manage Messages permission to use this command) |
help |
My commands and stuff :3 |
invite |
Get Aimi's invite link, so you can put her in your server! |
ping |
Check how fast Aimi is at the moment! (Less ms means faster responses) |
premium |
Support Aimi and access premium features! |
profile |
View your adorable profile! |
review |
Review Aimi on |
say |
Make Aimi say a message in a specified channel (must have Manage Messages permission to use this command) |
server-info |
Get information about the server |
support |
Aimi provides the invite link to its support server, where users can seek help or report issues |
uptime |
Check how long Aimi has been online |
upvote |
Upvote for Aimi on DBL |
user-info |
Get information about a member |
vote |
Vote for Aimi on |
website |
Aimi provides a link to its website, where users can potentially find more information or resources related to the bot |
welcome |
Make Aimi greet new members! (must have Manage Server permission to use this command) |
welcome-custom-message |
Enable or disable custom welcome messages. (must have Manage Server permission to use this command) |
welcome-off |
Stop Aimi from welcoming new members (must have Manage Server permission to use this command) |